The environmental issue has become a delicate debate taking various forms according to times, circumstances and places.

The ecological topics deal with the matter, identifying some solutions in the necessary change of design flows and production models, in the efficiency and energy saving, in the recycling and reuse of objects at the end of their life cycle, in limiting or reducing emissions of polluting and harmful substances. Eretikos iki deals with the first link in the design chain, at the upstream phase of the product.


Cut costs and waste
Reduce errors
Reduce inventory

Eretikos iki helps you optimize the creative/production process by using advanced systems for the design and virtual prototyping of clothing, with the latest generation of 3D CAD and cutting-edge virtual simulation software.

Eretikos iki aims to help its customers in the digital and environmental transformation process, placing a constant focus on new regulations and market needs. The goal is to achieve, for its customers, the parameters of eco-sustainability and ethics required by the mandatory certifications in the coming years, of better business outputs thanks to the aid of digitalization, better brand equity through the commitment and sincere contribution to the resolution of problems related to waste of resources, modern slavery and pollution, generated by the textile-clothing system.

The use of virtual design enables us to reduce raw material waste by up to 70%. Furthermore, the use of eco-sustainable materials (yarns-fabrics-accessories) and ethical suppliers allows us to create a product with significant added value meeting the needs of new consumers, interested in ethical, ecological and high-content objects.



The 2030 agenda of sustainable development goals, globally, focuses on environmental issues.

In particular, Global Warming and the depletion of water resources. The European Commission guide on the Environmental Product Footprint, defined on 8 October 2012, specifies that: “The environmental footprint of a product is a measure, based on a multi-criteria assessment, of the environmental performance of a good or service throughout its life cycle “and is” calculated mainly to reduce the environmental impacts of this good or service, considering all the activities of the supply chain “. The phases of the life cycle include extraction and treatment of the raw materials, design, production, transport, distribution, use, reuse, recycling and final disposal. By 2025, textile and clothing companies will have to obtain certifications that quantify the environmental impact of the product.

Thanks to the 3D technological design system, the research and use of eco-sustainable materials, reducing waste by 50/70%, Eretikos iki can help clothing companies to reduce the environmental impact of their products significantly.


Fashion Pollution

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, adequate distancing measures were required for the emergency also in the fashion clothing system.

By using virtual models, we have the opportunity to avoid gatherings, even for the organization of high-density events such as catwalks. It is not intended to replace reality with virtual, but to integrate it with a system capable of solving even serious problems, without having to resort to painful cuts.

Our working method involves the use of PLM capable of exchanging information with all the actors involved in the project, in real-time. The use of well-defined models, detailed tech packs and coded libraries allow you to work in smart-working, allowing all interested parties to keep control of the development phases of each item. This type of agile work ensures high performance with a low incidence of errors.

Advantages of digital design

Faster decisions and conscious choices

In a few hours, you can make prototypes and digital samples corresponding to reality.

You can share needed changes in real-time throughout the supply chain.

You can make variations and customizations in a few minutes.

You can define the commercial offer upstream without wasting raw materials.

Fewer prototypes, lower costs and better quality

You will reduce the time required for prototyping significantly.

You will considerably lower the number of prototypes produced, with better quality from the beginning.

You will cut off sampling costs and save an enormous amount of money.

More sustainable collections

Today, we can create virtually even very complex garments corresponding to reality at 95%. Moreover, visualizing true-to-life samples in advance allows you to purchase raw materials downstream without the risk of expensive inventories. All this translates into saving hectoliters of water consumed, CO2 emitted, and substantial economic savings.

Maximum advantage of digital production

You can use the same digital garment throughout the entire value chain. Depending on the needs, you can manipulate the digital item and adapt it to the specific tools of each phase – concept – production – commercialization – marketing, up to the creative extreme for Metaverse and Blockchain.

Time comparison